

I Corsi:
Master of Music (durata due anni)
Doctorate of Specialization in Music Art (durata tre anni)

I corsi hanno l’obiettivo di assicurare allo studente un’adeguata padronanza di metodi e contenuti artistici specifici nonché l’acquisizione di specifiche conoscenze professionali

Obiettivi e attività formative dei corsi e indirizzi
Sono preliminarmente individuate, per ogni corso ed indirizzo di studio gli obiettivi formativi qualificanti e le attività formative indispensabili per conseguirli, suddivise in tipologie e attività.

Master of Music (biennale – totale crediti totali 30)
Doctorate of Specialization in Music Art (triennale – totali crediti 45)


The courses
Master of Music (length of course two years)
Doctorate of Specialization in Music Art (length of course three years)

The scope of the courses is to assure the student an adequate mastery of specific artistic method and content as well as acquiring professional mastery.

Objectives and educational activities of the courses and their aims
For each course the learning objectives and educational activities necessary to attain the goals set- Master of Music(2 year course- total of credits 30) or Doctorate of Specialization in Music Art (3 year course-total of credits 45) will be decided in advance.
